F7 Close-out Report

Project Catalyst Fund 7 Close Out Report

Project details

Proposal Name :

Catalyst Coordinator Hub.

Ideascale link :

Project ID number :


Budget :


Challenge :

Part of the F7: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs challenge, Fund 7.

Date project started:

February 2022

Date project completed:

May 2022

Project team

Stephen Whitenstall. Catalyst Circle V2, Catalyst Coordinator Representative and proposal owner.

Project documentation:

This proposal was documented on the Catalyst Coordinator GitBook later renamed to


Challenge KPIs and how the project addressed them

The main objective of the F7 Scale-UP Cardano’s Community Hubs Challenge was how to “encourage Local Community Hubs to drive adoption and awareness of Cardano in the next 6 months?”

The Challenge’s KPIs or key metrics to measure included :

  • How many new Hubs were launched in the next 6 months?

  • How many developers did this community-focused challenge bring into the Cardano ecosystem?

  • How many new users of Cardano were onboarded?

  • What was the total reach of the Hub's initial marketing launch?

  • How many external organizations did this community-focused challenge bring into the Cardano ecosystem?

Building a foundation for Catalyst Coordinators

The Catalyst Coordinator Hub GitBook laid the foundation for the subsequent Funded Proposer Sub-Circle (detailed in this report - link) that launched in May 2022. This met the Challenge KPI of launching a community Hub.

A Collaborative layer

Between its inception in November 2021 and completion in May 2022 the Catalyst Coordinator Hub GitBook provided a collaborative layer to answer FAQ questions, leave feedback and raise issues.

The Catalyst Coordinator Circle Rep used the GitBook platform to collate a FAQ (https://quality-assurance-dao.gitbook.io/funded-proposers-hub/information/faq) and guidance on proposal reporting (https://quality-assurance-dao.gitbook.io/funded-proposers-hub/reporting/reporting).

Collating Community Issues

Between November and December 2021 the Catalyst Coordinator Circle Representative trailed a Catalyst-Coordinator-Feedback process to capture proposer concerns as GitHub issues.

This was later documented on the GitBook as part of the Fund 7 Catalyst Coordinator Hub proposal.

This process was part of Catalyst Circle V2 problem sensing as defined in CCv1 “Maintain an agile backlog list to track issues between meetings.” and built on Catalyst Circle tracking started by QADAO

Our project aims and how we addressed them


Amount of material added to the GitBook

Approximately 161 commits or changes were made to the GitBook between November 2021 and September 2022. This is illustrated below in the GitHub Insights contributor graphs.

Feedback received for Catalyst Circle and the community

Catalyst Coordinator Feedback was captured via the proposal’s feedback issues and through prioritised problems raised on Catalyst Circle’s project board.

Amount of commentary on GitBook and on social media

Building the GitBook and referencing it over the period November 2021 and May 2022 attracted commentary on social media.

Page views and dwell time

Unfortunately Google Analytics was not set-up to track this in detail.

Number of issues from the Coordinator community that are raised and explored by Catalyst Circle.

A number of issues or problems were identified and explored by Catalyst Circle V2 using the GitBook and GitHub platform developed.

Key achievements (in particular around collaboration and engagement)

The Key achievements were :

  1. Building a GitBook to provide reference information for funded proposers and resource to later support the Funded Proposer Sub Circle.

  2. Migrating and maintaining support for the Catalyst Circle Prioritised Problem Board on GitHUb.

  3. Documenting A number of issues or problems on the Catalyst Circle Prioritised Problem Board on GitHub and in the Catalyst Coordinator Hub GitBook (later the Funded Proposers Hub GitBook)

Key learnings


Create and maintain a timely feedback mechanism. Opening and closing issues of concern to the community.


Mentor and induct people into community participation.


Communicate governance activities on social media. Install Google Analytics for monitoring and reporting engagement.

Next steps

The F7 Catalyst-Coordinator Hub proposal provided infrastructure for the subsequent F8 Proposers Hub proposal. See close out video here - https://youtu.be/KEWlXdfw1JE

Last updated